Please join us on Wednesdays at 7:00 pm. If you'd like to be added to the email list or hear more information, simply contact the rectory. "Iron sharpens iron, and one man sharpens another." [Proverbs 27:17]
Please enjoy this article about the new windows at Our Lady of Fatima: immediately, and for the sake of ease and consistency, sacramental blessings will be regularly offered each month in our parishes: on the second Sundays in Wilmington and on the third Sundays in St. Joachim. This is easy to remember as it is the same weekends as our coffee socials. You are welcome to bring any sacramentals for blessings at the end of Mass: candles, statues, rosaries, salt, images, medals etc.
Please also remember that blessed candles and regularly blessed water are always available at the main entrances of our churches.
Are you an adult Catholic who never received the Sacrament of Confirmation or the other Sacraments? Are you unbaptized or not a Catholic and would like to consider entering the Catholic Church? Do you know of some friends or family who are in a situation such as this? We will begin classes and instruction in the Catholic faith later this year, in preparation for reception of the Sacraments at Easter next spring. Please begin to plan accordingly and consider speaking to your friends or loved ones about this opportunity. These classes will also be a helpful opportunity for those who desire to learn more about the Catholic faith.
A generous donor recently donated many excellent books to each of our parishes. God bless him for his generosity! Please be sure to make use of these resources to strengthen our minds and hearts in the Catholic faith, and to keep in mind that the first commandment is to love the Lord your God “with thy whole heart, with thy whole soul, and with thy whole mind.” Studying the Catholic faith and reading the writings of the saints is so important to our spiritual lives! If you would like some recommendations, please don’t hesitate to ask!
Please see here the Decree of Relegation of St. John Bosco Church in Stamford, which is effective August 1, 2024. Should you have any questions or concerns at all, please do not hesitate to contact Fr. Chalifoux. Decree of Relegation
Please note that confessions will now be heard on Wednesday evenings from 6-7 pm in Our Lady of Fatima, in hopes that this might be a helpful time slot for those who have trouble making it to the other available times. Please remember that regular confession is an integral part of the spiritual life and our growth in holiness.